Learning Spanish Like Crazy is not my number one choice for me personally, and let me tell you why.
I started teaching myself Spanish about 1 1/2 years ago beginning with Pimsleur; I completed all 4 levels of Pimsleur and have since used Platiquemos, Michel Thomas, and Learning Spanish Like Crazy. I personally believe that Platiquemos is the best program for me because I truly want to reach full native fluency AND I have the necessary 2 hours a day to devote to the program for the required 6-8 months that it will take to complete it–that’s the catch, and the reason I suspect that Platiquemos (a cleaned up version of FSI Spanish) is probably not the best choice for most people.
I do have to say that I believe you should try multiple programs at the same time because the overlap will REALLY help to accelerate the learning process. I began using Level One of Learning Spanish Like Crazy when I was half way through Level 3 of Pimsleur Spanish, and the fact that I was using both programs at the same time, hearing the same material two different ways, learning new material from each one that the other one didn’t have, and last but not least doubling the amount of time I was practicing Spanish everyday REALLY helped me. I do have to say that I feel like I learned far more from level 1 of Learning Spanish Like Crazy than I did from all 4 levels of Pimsleur; also, LSLC actually uses the same teaching method as Pimsleur, which is an EXCELLENT method, but the cram in a LOT more material in the form of vocabulary AND grammar lessons that you don’t get in Pimsleur.
Learning Spanish Like Crazy is available as an entirely digital download with MP3 audio files and a written transcript of all spoken dialogue in a pdf file, or you can order it on CDs and have LSLC mailed to you at an additional cost.